ActiproSoftware.Text.Lexing Namespace
MergableLexerResult | Provides a lexer result for a token. |
ILexer | Provides the base requirements of a lexer (lexical analyzer) for a language. |
ILexerContext | Provides the base requirements for a class that stores lexer context data, allowing a lexer to resume at the point represented by the context. |
ILexerTarget | Provides the base requirements for an object that should receive parse output from a lexer. |
ILexicalScope | Provides the base requirements for a lexical scope. |
ILexicalScopeCollection | Provides the base requirements for a collection of ILexicalScope objects. |
ILexicalScopeStateNode | Provides the base requirements for a node that stores lexical scope and state information. |
ILexicalState | Provides the base requirements for a lexical state. |
ILexicalStateCollection | Provides the base requirements for a collection of ILexicalState objects. |
ILexicalStateIdProvider | Provides the base requirements for a class that provides lexical state ID's. |
ILexicalStateTransition | Provides the base requirements for a transition from one lexical state to another. |
IMergableLexer | Provides the base requirements for a lexer (lexical analyzer) for a language that supports merging with other languages. |
IMergableToken | Represents the base requirements for a mergable token that has been assigned to a span of text by a mergable lexer. |
IMergableTokenLexerData | Provides the base requirements for an object that provides lexer data for a IMergableToken. |
IToken | Represents the base requirements for a token that has been assigned to a span of text by a lexer. |
ITokenIdProvider | Provides the base requirements for a class that provides token ID's. |
ITokenSet | Provides the base requirements for a class that stores token data for a range of text. |
MergableLexerFlags | Specifies flags for an IMergableToken. |