In This Article

SymbolBarGalleryItemViewModel Class

Represents a gallery item view model for a symbol.

public class SymbolBarGalleryItemViewModel : BarGalleryItemViewModel<string>, IBarGalleryItemViewModel, IEquatable<IBarGalleryItemViewModel>
object ObservableObjectBase BarGalleryItemViewModel<string> object
IBarGalleryItemViewModel IEquatable<IBarGalleryItemViewModel>



Initializes a new instance of the class with a default category.

public SymbolBarGalleryItemViewModel()


Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified symbol and a default category.

public SymbolBarGalleryItemViewModel(string value)
Parameter Type Description
value string

The string symbol.

SymbolBarGalleryItemViewModel(string, string)

Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified symbol and category.

public SymbolBarGalleryItemViewModel(string value, string category)
Parameter Type Description
value string

The string symbol.

category string

The item's category, or null if categorization is not supported.

SymbolBarGalleryItemViewModel(string, string, string)

Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified symbol, category, and label.

public SymbolBarGalleryItemViewModel(string value, string category, string label)
Parameter Type Description
value string

The string symbol.

category string

The item's category, or null if categorization is not supported.

label string

The text label to display, or null if the label can be coerced from the current value.



Gets the localizable default category to be used for view models of this type.

public static string DefaultCategory { get; }

Property Value


The string category name.

Inherited Members