In This Article

INavigableSymbolProvider Interface

Provides the base requirements for a language service that can return navigable symbols.

public interface INavigableSymbolProvider


This interface type can be registered with an ISyntaxLanguage using the RegisterService(Object, Object) method. Once an object that implements this interface is registered with the language for this interface type, its features can be used by the language.


GetSymbols(INavigableRequestContext, TextSnapshotOffset, INavigableSymbol)

Returns a set of INavigableSymbol objects that are accessible within the optional parent INavigableSymbol.

INavigableSymbolSet GetSymbols(INavigableRequestContext context, TextSnapshotOffset snapshotOffset, INavigableSymbol parentSymbol)
Parameter Type Description
context INavigableRequestContext

An INavigableRequestContext that provides the context of the request.

snapshotOffset TextSnapshotOffset

The TextSnapshotOffset that contains the ITextSnapshot to examine, along with a contextual offset.

parentSymbol INavigableSymbol

The optional parent INavigableSymbol to examine, or a null value if the root symbols are requested.



An INavigableSymbolSet containing the INavigableSymbol objects that were located.