In This Article

ITextSnapshot Interface

Provides the base requirements for an immutable snapshot of an ITextDocument for a certain ITextVersion of that document.

public interface ITextSnapshot : ITextRangeProvider



Gets the ITextDocument for which this snapshot applies.

ITextDocument Document { get; }

Property Value


The ITextDocument for which this snapshot applies.


Gets the footer text to append to the end of the snapshot's Text when scanning through the GetMergedBufferReader() result, typically used when parsing the snapshot.

string FooterText { get; }

Property Value


The footer text to append to the end of the snapshot's Text.


The use of this property, along with HeaderText, allows for editing 'fragments' of code.
The header and footer sections provide the outer code that surrounds the 'fragment' being edited in the snapshot's Text property.

An example is when editing a method body in a language like C#. The HeaderText would contain the namespace, class, and member declaration starts. The FooterText would contain the namespace, class, and member declaration ends. The document would edit the 'fragment' of statements within the header and footer, and all of them would be combined for parsing purposes.

See Also


Gets whether there is content in the snapshot.

bool HasContent { get; }

Property Value


true if there is content in the snapshot; otherwise, false.


This property simply checks whether the snapshot has a length greater than 0.


Gets the header text to append to the start of the snapshot's Text when scanning through the GetMergedBufferReader() result, typically used when parsing the snapshot.

string HeaderText { get; }

Property Value


The header text to append to the start of the snapshot's Text.


The use of this property, along with FooterText, allows for editing 'fragments' of code.
The header and footer sections provide the outer code that surrounds the 'fragment' being edited in the snapshot's Text property.

An example is when editing a method body in a language like C#. The HeaderText would contain the namespace, class, and member declaration starts. The FooterText would contain the namespace, class, and member declaration ends. The document would edit the 'fragment' of statements within the header and footer, and all of them would be combined for parsing purposes.

See Also


Gets a character in the snapshot.

char this[int index] { get; }
Parameter Type Description
index Int32

The index of the character to return.

Property Value


A character in the snapshot.


Gets the number of characters in the snapshot, excluding any carriage-returns but including newlines.

int Length { get; }

Property Value


The number of characters in the snapshot, excluding any carriage-returns but including newlines.


Gets the collection of ITextSnapshotLine objects, each of which represents a line in the snapshot.

ITextSnapshotLineCollection Lines { get; }

Property Value


A ITextSnapshotLineCollection containing the lines in the snapshot.


Gets a TextSnapshotRange that contains the entire text snapshot.

TextSnapshotRange SnapshotRange { get; }

Property Value


A TextSnapshotRange that contains the entire text snapshot.


Gets the entire text of the snapshot using CarriageReturnNewline for line ends, which is not intended to be used for parsing for classification reasons.

string Text { get; }

Property Value


The entire text of the snapshot using CarriageReturnNewline for line ends.


This property should not be used as input for language parsers or taggers since internally for performance reasons, text is stored with newlines-only as line terminators. Instead, call GetText(LineTerminator) with the Newline parameter when needing the text for parsing or tagging reasons.

The GetText(LineTerminator) method can be used to obtain text using any of the LineTerminator options.


Gets the ITextVersion that specifies the text version represented by the snapshot.

ITextVersion Version { get; }

Property Value


The ITextVersion that specifies the text version represented by the snapshot.



Creates an ITextChange based on this snapshot, whereby any following calls to methods such as ITextChange.ReplaceText(Int32, Int32, String) are grouped into the text change as operations and sequentially executed upon a ITextChange.Apply() call.

ITextChange CreateTextChange(ITextChangeType type)
Parameter Type Description
type ITextChangeType

An ITextChangeType specifying the type of change.



The ITextChange that was created.


The ITextChange.Apply() method must be called to apply the queued operations to the document.

CreateTextChange(ITextChangeType, ITextChangeOptions)

Creates an ITextChange based on this snapshot, whereby any following calls to methods such as ITextChange.ReplaceText(Int32, Int32, String) are grouped into the text change as operations and sequentially executed upon a ITextChange.Apply() call.

ITextChange CreateTextChange(ITextChangeType type, ITextChangeOptions options)
Parameter Type Description
type ITextChangeType

An ITextChangeType specifying the type of change.

options ITextChangeOptions

The ITextChangeOptions for the change.



The ITextChange that was created.


The ITextChange.Apply() method must be called to apply the queued operations to the document.


Exports the contents of the snapshot to another text format, such as HTML or RTF.

string Export(ITextExporter exporter)
Parameter Type Description
exporter ITextExporter

The ITextExporter to use for the export operation.



The exported text.

ExportToFile(ITextExporter, String)

Exports the contents of the snapshot to a file in another text format, such as HTML or RTF.

void ExportToFile(ITextExporter exporter, string path)
Parameter Type Description
exporter ITextExporter

The ITextExporter to use for the export operation.

path String

The full path of the file of which to save.


Performs a find all operation.

ISearchResultSet FindAll(ISearchOptions options)
Parameter Type Description
options ISearchOptions

The ISearchOptions to use.



An ISearchResultSet that specifies the result of the operation.

FindAll(ISearchOptions, TextRange)

Performs a find all operation over a specific range of the snapshot.

ISearchResultSet FindAll(ISearchOptions options, TextRange searchTextRange)
Parameter Type Description
options ISearchOptions

The ISearchOptions to use.

searchTextRange TextRange

The TextRange of offsets to search. If all should be searched, specify the range 0 to the length of the snapshot.



An ISearchResultSet that specifies the result of the operation.

FindNext(ISearchOptions, Int32, Boolean)

Performs a find next operation.

ISearchResultSet FindNext(ISearchOptions options, int startOffset, bool canWrap)
Parameter Type Description
options ISearchOptions

The ISearchOptions to use.

startOffset Int32

The offset at which to start the search.

canWrap Boolean

Whether the search can wrap at the end of the search text range.



An ISearchResultSet that specifies the result of the operation.

FindNext(ISearchOptions, Int32, Boolean, TextRange)

Performs a find next operation over a specific range of the snapshot.

ISearchResultSet FindNext(ISearchOptions options, int startOffset, bool canWrap, TextRange searchTextRange)
Parameter Type Description
options ISearchOptions

The ISearchOptions to use.

startOffset Int32

The offset at which to start the search.

canWrap Boolean

Whether the search can wrap at the end of the search text range.

searchTextRange TextRange

The TextRange of offsets to search. If all should be searched, specify the range 0 to the length of the ITextSnapshot.



An ISearchResultSet that specifies the result of the operation.

FindNext(ISearchOptions, Int32, Boolean, TextRange, CancellationToken)

Performs a find next operation over a specific range of the snapshot.

ISearchResultSet FindNext(ISearchOptions options, int startOffset, bool canWrap, TextRange searchTextRange, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Parameter Type Description
options ISearchOptions

The ISearchOptions to use.

startOffset Int32

The offset at which to start the search.

canWrap Boolean

Whether the search can wrap at the end of the search text range.

searchTextRange TextRange

The TextRange of offsets to search. If all should be searched, specify the range 0 to the length of the ITextSnapshot.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

The cancellation token that can abort the search operation.



An ISearchResultSet that specifies the result of the operation.


Returns an ITextBufferReader that allows scanning over a union of the HeaderText, Text, and FooterText.

ITextBufferReader GetMergedBufferReader()



An ITextBufferReader that allows scanning over a union of the HeaderText, Text, and FooterText.

See Also


Returns an ITextSnapshotReader that can be used to navigate through the text and token contents of the snapshot.

ITextSnapshotReader GetReader(TextPosition position)
Parameter Type Description
position TextPosition

The TextPosition at which to initalize the reader.



An ITextSnapshotReader that can be used to navigate through the text and token contents of the snapshot.


Returns an ITextSnapshotReader that can be used to navigate through the text and token contents of the snapshot.

ITextSnapshotReader GetReader(int offset)
Parameter Type Description
offset Int32

The offset at which to initalize the reader.



An ITextBufferReader that can be used to navigate through the text and token contents of the snapshot.


Returns a substring from the snapshot text using CarriageReturnNewline for line ends.

string GetSubstring(TextRange textRange)
Parameter Type Description
textRange TextRange

A TextRange indicating the range of text to retrieve.



The substring from the snapshot text using CarriageReturnNewline for line ends.

GetSubstring(TextRange, LineTerminator)

Returns a substring from the snapshot text using the specified LineTerminator for line ends.

string GetSubstring(TextRange textRange, LineTerminator lineTerminator)
Parameter Type Description
textRange TextRange

A TextRange indicating the range of text to retrieve.

lineTerminator LineTerminator

A LineTerminator specifying the type of line terminators to use.



The substring from the snapshot text using the specified LineTerminator for line ends.

GetSubstring(Int32, Int32)

Returns a substring from the snapshot text using CarriageReturnNewline for line ends.

string GetSubstring(int offset, int length)
Parameter Type Description
offset Int32

The offset at which to retrieve the text.

length Int32

The number of characters to return.



The substring from the snapshot text using CarriageReturnNewline for line ends.

GetSubstring(Int32, Int32, LineTerminator)

Returns a substring from the snapshot text using the specified LineTerminator for line ends.

string GetSubstring(int offset, int length, LineTerminator lineTerminator)
Parameter Type Description
offset Int32

The offset at which to retrieve the text.

length Int32

The number of characters to return.

lineTerminator LineTerminator

A LineTerminator specifying the type of line terminators to use.



The substring from the snapshot text using the specified LineTerminator for line ends.


Returns the entire text of the snapshot using the specified LineTerminator for line ends.

string GetText(LineTerminator lineTerminator)
Parameter Type Description
lineTerminator LineTerminator

A LineTerminator specifying the type of line terminators to use.



The entire text of the snapshot using the specified LineTerminator for line ends.


To retrieve the text in the format expected by a language parser or tagger, pass Newline as the lineTerminator parameter.


Returns an ITextStatistics for the snapshot's text, which provides numerous statistics about the text such as word, sentence, character counts as well as readability scores.

ITextStatistics GetTextStatistics()



An ITextStatistics for the snapshot's text.


Gets the text of the word at the specified offset.

string GetWordText(int offset)
Parameter Type Description
offset Int32

The offset to examine.



The text of the word at the specified offset.


Gets a TextRange of offsets that contain the word at the specified offset.

TextRange GetWordTextRange(int offset)
Parameter Type Description
offset Int32

The offset to examine.



A TextRange containing a range of offsets that contain the word at the specified offset.


Returns the TextPosition that represents the specified offset within the text lines.

TextPosition OffsetToPosition(int offset)
Parameter Type Description
offset Int32

The offset of a character within the snapshot.



The TextPosition that represents the specified offset within the text lines.


Returns the TextRange that represents the specified TextPositionRange within the snapshot.

TextRange PositionRangeToTextRange(TextPositionRange positionRange)
Parameter Type Description
positionRange TextPositionRange

The TextPositionRange within the snapshot.



The TextRange that represents the specified TextPositionRange within the snapshot.


Returns the offset for the specified TextPosition within the text lines.

int PositionToOffset(TextPosition position)
Parameter Type Description
position TextPosition

The TextPosition of a character within the text lines.



The offset for the specified TextPosition within the text lines.


Returns the TextPositionRange that represents the specified TextRange within the snapshot.

TextPositionRange TextRangeToPositionRange(TextRange textRange)
Parameter Type Description
textRange TextRange

The TextRange within the snapshot.



The TextPositionRange that represents the specified TextRange within the snapshot.

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