In This Article

TintGroup Class

Represents a group that can be referenced via the Name attached property on Brush and Pen resources to apply non-default tint-colors.

public class TintGroup
Object Object


This class is intended to be used with the TintedResourceDictionary for the purposes of tinting Brush and Pen resources.

Specify a TintColor of Colors.Transparent (the default) to prevent resources that reference this group from being tinted.



Initializes an instance of the TintGroup class.

public TintGroup()

TintGroup(String, Color)

Initializes an instance of the TintGroup class.

public TintGroup(string name, Color tintColor)
Parameter Type Description
name String

The name of the tint group.

tintColor Color

The Color that is used to tint the resources that reference this TintGroup.

TintGroup(String, Color, IEnumerable<Object>)

Initializes an instance of the TintGroup class.

public TintGroup(string name, Color tintColor, IEnumerable<object> excludedKeys)
Parameter Type Description
name String

The name of the tint group.

tintColor Color

The Color that is used to tint the resources that reference this TintGroup.

excludedKeys IEnumerable<Object>

The keys to exclude from tinting.



Gets the collection of excluded keys.

public IEnumerable<object> ExcludedKeys { get; }

Property Value


The collection of excluded keys.


Gets or sets the name of the tint group, that can be referenced by resources using the Name attached property.

public string Name { get; set; }

Property Value


The name of the tint group, that can be referenced by resources using the Name attached property.


Gets or sets the Color that is used to tint the resources that reference this TintGroup.

public Color TintColor { get; set; }

Property Value


The Color that is used to tint the resources that reference this TintGroup. The default value is Colors.Transparent.


If Colors.Transparent is specified, no tinting will be performed.



Gets the value of the Name attached property for the specified object.

public static string GetName(DependencyObject obj)
Parameter Type Description
obj DependencyObject

The object from which the property value is read.



The object's value.

SetName(DependencyObject, String)

Sets the value of the Name attached property to the specified object.

public static void SetName(DependencyObject obj, string value)
Parameter Type Description
obj DependencyObject

The object to which the attached property is written.

value String

The value to set.



Represents a tint group that is not tinted. This field is read-only.

public static readonly TintGroup NoTint

Inherited Members