In This Article

Hit Testing

SyntaxEditor makes it easy to hit test any Point in the editor and return detailed information about what is at that location.

Performing a Hit Test

A hit test can be performed by first obtaining a Point relative to the SyntaxEditor's coordinates and then calling the SyntaxEditor.HitTest method.

This code gets the current location of the mouse and performs a hit test against it:

IHitTestResult result = editor.HitTest(Mouse.GetPosition(editor));

Hit Test Results

The HitTest method returns an object of type IHitTestResult. This object provides information about exactly what is at the location being hit tested.

SyntaxEditor and Location

The SyntaxEditor and Location properties return the SyntaxEditor instance and location that were hit-tested.

Result Type

The Type property returns a HitTestResultType enumeration value. This value gives a high-level categorization of the result.

View and Margin

The View property returns an IEditorView if the location was over a view.

If the location was over a margin in the view, the ViewMargin property returns the IEditorViewMargin.

Offset and Position

The Offset and Position properties return the offset and TextPosition of the character at the location. If the location is not over a character, the nearest character is returned. If the location is not over a view, then the offset is -1.

See information below for how to determine if the offset/position are for an actual character or for a close character.

View Line and Text Area Location

The ViewLine property returns the ITextViewLine that contains the Position.

The TextAreaLocation returns the location, but in text area-relative coordinates.

Snapshot and Reader

The Snapshot property returns the ITextSnapshot that was current when the hit test took place. The GetReader method can be used to obtain an ITextSnapshotReader that is initialized to the hit test offset.

Intra-Text Spacer

The IntraTextSpacerTag property returns the TagSnapshotRange of the IIntraTextSpacerTag that contains the hit test offset, if any. This property is only filled in when the hit test type is ViewTextAreaOverIntraTextSpacer.


The VisualElement property returns the FrameworkElement, if any, that is related to the hit test result.

Determining if the Hit Test is Over a Character

The Type property is useful for determining if the location is over a character in the text area. When its value is ViewTextAreaOverCharacter, the location is directly over a character within an editor view. When its value is ViewTextAreaOverLine, the location is not over a character within an editor view, but it is in the whitespace past the end of a view line. When its value is ViewTextArea, the location is not over any editor view lines, but it is in the text area.

Thus the Offset and Position properties return the exact character the location is over when Type is ViewTextAreaOverCharacter. Otherwise, the offset/position of the closest character is returned.

Scanning Text Around the Hit Test Result

The ITextSnapshotReader returned by the GetReader method can be used to scan text and tokens near the hit test result.

See the Scanning Text Using a Reader topic for more information on scanning text.