Actipro Software Support

User Profile (#131371)


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Posts and Comments

Posted Subject Location
2 years ago Re: Problem when maximizing the mainwindow Docking/MDI for WPF
2 years ago Re: Problem when maximizing the mainwindow Docking/MDI for WPF
2 years ago Re: Text Replacement Macro SyntaxEditor for WPF
2 years ago Re: CollectionTagger<ISquiggleTag> SyntaxEditor for WPF
2 years ago Re: Text Replacement Macro SyntaxEditor for WPF
2 years ago Re: DateTimeEditBox not able to load type System.Runtime.DateTime? Editors for WPF
2 years ago Re: nesting TaskColumns Views for WPF
2 years ago Re: ClassificationTagger performance issues SyntaxEditor for WPF
3 years ago Re: Only match optional term if term ahead is present SyntaxEditor for WPF
3 years ago Re: WindowChrome Windows 11 Support in 22.1 not working for me WPF Studio, Themes, and Shared Library for WPF
3 years ago Re: Customize intelli prompt SyntaxEditor Python Language Add-on for WPF
3 years ago Re: How to implement Lazy Loading function in TreeListBox? Grids for WPF
3 years ago Re: Change pivot point on needle Gauge for WPF
3 years ago Re: Change pivot point on needle Gauge for WPF
3 years ago Re: Can IEditorViewMargin support manual stretch size? SyntaxEditor for WPF
3 years ago Re: The text change margin behave incorrectly Editors for WPF
3 years ago Re: Find component matching regular expression is incorrect Editors for WPF
3 years ago Re: Find component matching regular expression is incorrect Editors for WPF
3 years ago Re: Caret does not work after dragging off of the syntax editor SyntaxEditor for WPF
3 years ago Re: Create ToolWIndowContainer / WinForms Docking/MDI for Windows Forms