Karl Grambow

User Profile (#14676)


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Posts and Comments

Posted Subject Location
18 years ago Problem with oStream.Find? SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
18 years ago Re: Question about encoding SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
18 years ago Question about encoding SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago Re: LineEndStyle for Editor.SelectedView.SelectedText? SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago Re: LineEndStyle for Editor.SelectedView.SelectedText? SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago LineEndStyle for Editor.SelectedView.SelectedText? SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago Re: Set LineModificationIndicators with AppendText? SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago Set LineModificationIndicators with AppendText? SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago Re: InfoTips and IntelliPrompts SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago InfoTips and IntelliPrompts SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago Re: Keep track of the currently active "variable" in an InfoTip? SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago Re: Keep track of the currently active "variable" in an InfoTip? SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago Keep track of the currently active "variable" in an InfoTip? SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago Re: Having problem with AutoCaseCorrect and CaseCorrectText SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago Re: InfoTip doesn't go away on ENTER SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago InfoTip doesn't go away on ENTER SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago Re: Having problem with AutoCaseCorrect and CaseCorrectText SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago Re: Having problem with AutoCaseCorrect and CaseCorrectText SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago Re: Question about IntelliPrompts SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
19 years ago Question about IntelliPrompts SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms