Tino Schnerwitzki

User Profile (#63817)


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Posts and Comments

Posted Subject Location
12 years ago Zoom per Editorcommand instead of mousewheel SyntaxEditor for WPF
13 years ago Re: HighlightingStyle with a border? SyntaxEditor for WPF
13 years ago Avoid certain textchanges type to be inserted in undohistoy SyntaxEditor for WPF
13 years ago Get new cursor position after Textchange SyntaxEditor for WPF
13 years ago How to force redrawing of adornments SyntaxEditor for WPF
13 years ago Re: Create Adorner in ViewLine with WordWrapMode Word SyntaxEditor for WPF
13 years ago Create Adorner in ViewLine with WordWrapMode Word SyntaxEditor for WPF
13 years ago Programmatic lexer calls with performance issues SyntaxEditor for WPF
13 years ago Question about Quickstart sample Adornments 6 SyntaxEditor for WPF
13 years ago Problem setting cursor in editor programmatically SyntaxEditor for WPF
13 years ago Disable horizontal scrollviewer without automatic text wrap SyntaxEditor for WPF
13 years ago Indent a line with WordWrapMode "Word" automatically SyntaxEditor for WPF