Neil Larson

User Profile (#73718)


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Posts and Comments

Posted Subject Location
1 year ago Ribbon Buttons not enabling based on CommandParameter Ribbon for WPF
3 years ago Re: Content for Splitter Docking/MDI for WPF
4 years ago Re: LinearGauge horizontally centered label inside the gauge Gauge for WPF
4 years ago LinearGauge horizontally centered label inside the gauge Gauge for WPF
4 years ago Re: Linear Gauge, LinearPointerMarker Dragging dead spot. Gauge for WPF
4 years ago Linear Gauge, LinearPointerMarker Dragging dead spot. Gauge for WPF
5 years ago DoubleEditBox Set font color - foreground Editors for WPF
5 years ago Re: Save / Restore window layout Docking/MDI for WPF
5 years ago Save / Restore window layout Docking/MDI for WPF
5 years ago LargeChange only available with PgUp and PgDown Editors for WPF
5 years ago Re: PropertyGrid ExpandableCollectionConverter DisplayName Grids for WPF
6 years ago Re: PropertyGrid.PropertyEditors Grids for WPF
6 years ago PropertyGrid.PropertyEditors Grids for WPF
6 years ago Re: PropertyGrid ExpandableCollectionConverter DisplayName Grids for WPF
7 years ago Expanding the newest added item in a PropertyGrid Grids for WPF
7 years ago PropertyGrid ExpandableCollectionConverter DisplayName Grids for WPF
7 years ago Re: Style to set isExpanded Grids for WPF
7 years ago Style to set isExpanded Grids for WPF
8 years ago Re: Transitions on TabControls WPF Studio, Themes, and Shared Library for WPF
8 years ago Transitions on TabControls WPF Studio, Themes, and Shared Library for WPF