Hi guys,
I have a pretty strange problem that I hope you can help me with. I have a very Visual Studio-like layout, with Tool Windows to the left, to the right and in the bottom of the screen. In the middle, I have a TabbedMdiContainer/Host, which I add DocumentWindow instances to. Each DocumentWindow contains a SyntaxEditor control.
Everything is working very well, but if I split the area, either by dragging a DocumentWindow and placing it beneath the other or if I right click the tab and select "New Horizontal/Vertical Tab group", the DocumentWindow "left behind" gets an empty space instead of the SyntaxEditor. Now, if I create a new DocumentWindow in the top container, where the empty one is, and then shift back to the empty one, the SyntaxEditor is back and everything appears normal, but until that, the first DocumentWindow is useless.
Do you have any idea what could be causing this? I have tried re-creating the problem with a more simple layout, but so far no luck. I have also tried looking at the application with WPF Snoop, but with no luck. I hope you have some suggestions, because this is a pretty serious problem :)