A while ago i mentioned that a window with a ribbon is loading very slow. This is especially on laptops a big problem with our customers.
They start a application, and within the application start a second window with a ribbon which is the same basicly as the first ribbon.
On some machines the second window takes a minute to open. This is not workable.
So I need to know if there are some performance tasks I can do to speed up things during load time.
The Visual Studio analyser shows me that actipro components are eating away 70% of the cpu during load time of the component.
Our ribbon has 7 'normal' tabs and 20 conceptual tabs. All are connected through bindings.
The CanExecute part is mostly a check if an object is not nothing. There are no expensive checks done there.
I hope someone can give me some tips to check certain things because we have a real problem now!