What happened to the Header properties (HeaderBackgourndNormal, HeaderBackgroundMouseHover, etc) in the Animated Expander? It seems awfully difficult to chnage the dafaults now.
What happened to the Header properties (HeaderBackgourndNormal, HeaderBackgroundMouseHover, etc) in the Animated Expander? It seems awfully difficult to chnage the dafaults now.
Hi Andy,
As part of our themes overhaul, these properties were removed. Ultimately, they get out of hand as more and more "states" are added. For example, if we needed a HoverExpanded or HoverCollapsed state then we had to add 4 new properties (at a minimum) for each new state. In addition, we wanted to be able to apply the same Style to both Expander and AnimatedExpander, with the latter being animated by default, as part of our native themes.
Finally, we wanted to consolidate brushes across our product styles and the native control styles. So you can easily give all "list" controls, which includes ListBox, ListView, GridView, TreeView, PropertyGrid, etc, a Red border. So instead of having numerous different brushes, there is one common property.
We document all the breaking changes in our help file. But in this case, the brushes used for the Expander header are defined in our AssetResourceKeys class and begin with ExpanderHeader*. So you could change the Normal Background like so:
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static themes:AssetResourceKeys.ExpanderHeaderBackgroundNormalBrushKey}"
themes:TintGroup.Name="Expander" Color="Red" />
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