I see many (and critical) problems about using SyntaxEditor in a complex (but real !) context : many ProjectAssembly targeting different .Net framework versions (like a VisualStudio solution). For exemple, ProjectA targeting .Net 2.0 and ProjectB referencing ProjectA and targeting .Net 4.0
The default assembly repository implementation (FileBasedAssemblyRepository) use System.Reflection and can't reflect multiple version of same assembly.
Using a disassembler (like Mono.Cecil) solve the problem. This article, explain the benefits of using Mono.Cecil vs System.Reflection : http://codebetter.com/patricksmacchia/2008/03/18/mono-cecil-vs-system-reflection/.
Will actipro going to implement this kind of solution (just a IBinaryAssembly implementation based on Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition) ?
According to me, it's the main obstacle to use SyntaxEditor to build a real .Net productivity tool.