As soon as I try to get the content from the DotNetProjectResolver, like the _DotNetProjectResolver.SourceProjectContent.GetTypes(null, pProject.ProjectTemplate.NameSpace, DomBindingFlags.Public). It will return different results when it has not finished parsing, it returns an incomplete result.
How do I use functions like GetTypes correctly?
It would really help if the post-condition of these retrieval functions like GetTypes() will always return the same results regardless of the parsing state. So perhaps it should wait for the parser to finish before returning a incomplete result?
Erik Pepping
As soon as I try to get the content from the DotNetProjectResolver, like the _DotNetProjectResolver.SourceProjectContent.GetTypes(null, pProject.ProjectTemplate.NameSpace, DomBindingFlags.Public). It will return different results when it has not finished parsing, it returns an incomplete result.
How do I use functions like GetTypes correctly?
It would really help if the post-condition of these retrieval functions like GetTypes() will always return the same results regardless of the parsing state. So perhaps it should wait for the parser to finish before returning a incomplete result?
Erik Pepping