I am trying to add functionality to my editor such as: (4a - LL(*) Parser), (4c - Error Handling), etc. But, I am noticing that most sample app quickstarts are setting the editor's attributes on the the .xaml.cs file.
If my Editors are created like this:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:DocumentItem}">
<syntaxeditor:SyntaxEditor x:Name="codeEditor" />
How can I (for example) access my codeEditor attributes to replicate this code you guys provide on QuickStart.GettingStarted05:
private void OnErrorListViewDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
ListBox listBox = (ListBox)sender;
IParseError error = listBox.SelectedItem as IParseError;
if (error != null)
editor.ActiveView.Selection.StartPosition = error.PositionRange.StartPosition;