Not setting any theme will break the checked ribbon buttons

Ribbon for WPF Forum

Posted 1 year ago by Daniel Constantin - ModuleWorks GmbH
Version: 23.1.2
Platform: .NET 4.8
Environment: Windows 10 (64-bit)


I need to add this line "ThemeManager.CurrentTheme = ThemeNames.MetroLight" even though the ThemeNames.MetroLight is the default themes.

It seems that the checked ribbon buttons for my tool windows looks uchecked even though they are checked if I miss to add that line.

Somethings seems to be broken if not setting a theme.

Also the hovering color on top of them does not work.

Kind regards,


Comments (9)

Posted 1 year ago by Daniel Constantin - ModuleWorks GmbH

Also not setting the default theme makes the tool window background the same as the docking site background so you can see just the header of the tool window if the tiil window is empty.

Posted 1 year ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Daniel,

There was the issue of toolbar button checked hover brushes not being different from checked brushes that you reported yesterday but we fixed for the next maintenance release.  

However I'm not seeing the other issues mentioned when I comment out all the theme code in our sample project's App.xaml.cs OnStartup code.  Note that with all that commented out, some portions of the sample UI will look a little different here and there since ThemeManager.AreNativeThemesEnabled is not set to true by default.  But everything else seems to be ok.

If you still think there is a problem, please make a new simple sample project that shows it happening and send that to our support address so we can debug with it.  Be sure to exclude the bin/obj folders from the .zip you send so it doesn't get spam blocked.  Thanks!

Actipro Software Support

Posted 1 year ago by Daniel Constantin - ModuleWorks GmbH


I could not reproduce this with a sample app so the problem is probably on my side.

Kind regards,


Posted 1 year ago by Daniel Constantin - ModuleWorks GmbH

Any news about the new version release? I would like the fix for the toolbar button checked hover brushes.

Kind regards,


Posted 1 year ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Daniel,

No date on an official release just yet, however if you'd like a preview build with the update, please write our support address and we'll get you one.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 1 year ago by Daniel Constantin - ModuleWorks GmbH

I am using more Int32EditBox and they dont seem to work well on the latest version. I have those binded to int properties. Using the spinner it will work but if I directly type the value it will not work for some reason.

Posted 1 year ago by Daniel Constantin - ModuleWorks GmbH

<editors:Int32EditBox Value="{Binding SignificantDigits, Mode=TwoWay}"
CommitTriggers="SpinnerChange" SpinnerVisibility="Visible" Minimum="1" Maximum="5"/>

Using the spinner, it will change the value inside the view model. If directly type the value it will now work. If I then press tab it will revert to old value.

Answer - Posted 1 year ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA


The default for edit boxes is to update the value immediately on spinner, Enter keypress, or focus loss.  It will not update by default while you are typing values.  Please see this documentation topic for more details on that and how to alter the behavior with the CommitTriggers property.

In the followup you posted, you are setting the CommitTriggers, which is what controls that behavior.  But you have it set to only commit on spinner change.  The other options for the commit trigger are specified in this flags enum.  You need to specify additional flags to get it working how you want.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 1 year ago by Daniel Constantin - ModuleWorks GmbH

Thank you! For some reason with the 19 version the value was updated with this xaml code :)

Kind regards,


The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 1 month ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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