There is something odd about sizing the DigitalGauge.
1. The Height and Width seem to be critical - I would have thought omitting them would work, but if I do, nothing at all gets displayed.
2. Height and Width only change the characters, not the enclosing box.
3. LayoutTransform yields weird results. See below - why doesn't it just scale the whole gauge?
Can you explain?
There is something odd about sizing the DigitalGauge.
1. The Height and Width seem to be critical - I would have thought omitting them would work, but if I do, nothing at all gets displayed.
2. Height and Width only change the characters, not the enclosing box.
3. LayoutTransform yields weird results. See below - why doesn't it just scale the whole gauge?
Can you explain?
<gauge:DigitalGauge x:Name="gauge" Height="100" Width="200" HorizontalAlignment="Left" CharacterPadding="15" CharacterSpacing="10" SkewAngleX="-7" DimmedBrush="#282828" CharacterCount="4" Background="#303030" IsBackgroundEffectEnabled="False" CharacterType="Segment7Normal" Foreground="#D20000" Value = "00:00">
<ScaleTransform ScaleX="0.9" ScaleY="0.9" />