Close button on tabs instead of at the end of the tabstrip?

Docking/MDI for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 16 years ago by Kelly Leahy - Software Architect, Milliman
Version: 2.0.0106
Is there a way to do this yet in UIStudio? If not, how hard would it be to implement a custom renderer to do this? Do you have code that we could start from for our custom renderer, so we aren't completely reinventing the wheel?


Kelly Leahy Software Architect Milliman, USA

Comments (5)

Posted 16 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Kelly,

Sorry not at this time. You may be able to do it with a custom renderer although achieving the mouseover effect could be tough when the mouse is over the button.

Sure we could give you a copy of a built-in renderer if you write us an email.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 16 years ago by Kelly Leahy - Software Architect, Milliman
OK... We were planning on moving to the WPFStudio docking anyway, so I'll just add this to the list of things we should do when we make the move. After looking at the custom renderer it seems I'd have to somehow handle the mouse events differently too, since it will only ask me to render the close button once, I imagine, and I wouldn't know where to put it :)

Kelly Leahy Software Architect Milliman, USA

Posted 16 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Right, you could possibly insert a UIElement using the WinUICore framework that does the button rendering. It would be low level and the trick would be getting the UIElement that represents the tab since right now it's internal.

But if you are moving to WPF, our WPF docking product already has the close buttons built-in via an option.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 8 years ago by Astera user - Astera Software

Is this still true?  This cannot be done without doing some customer rendering?

Posted 8 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Mike,

Yes, the same as above is true at this time.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 5 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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