Kelly Leahy

User Profile (#25917)


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Posts and Comments

Posted Subject Location
11 years ago Re: Registration of TokenTaggerProvider SyntaxEditor for WPF
12 years ago Re: follow set? SyntaxEditor for WPF
12 years ago Re: proper use of lexical scopes/states SyntaxEditor for WPF
12 years ago proper use of lexical scopes/states SyntaxEditor for WPF
14 years ago Re: QuickInfo covers up caret location? SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
14 years ago Re: QuickInfo covers up caret location? SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
15 years ago QuickInfo covers up caret location? SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms
15 years ago Easiest way to do ... on properties? Grids for WPF
15 years ago Re: Visibility on PropertyGridPropertyItem Grids for WPF
15 years ago Visibility on PropertyGridPropertyItem Grids for WPF
15 years ago Re: Dependancy Property Grids for WPF
15 years ago Re: How can I set order of PropertyGridPropertyItem? Grids for WPF
15 years ago Themes Docking/MDI for Windows Forms
15 years ago Re: Close button on tabs instead of at the end of the tabstrip? Docking/MDI for Windows Forms
15 years ago Re: Dependancy Property Grids for WPF
15 years ago Close button on tabs instead of at the end of the tabstrip? Docking/MDI for Windows Forms
15 years ago Customizing the color of readonly items. Grids for WPF
16 years ago syntax-directed intellisense SyntaxEditor Brainstorming
16 years ago Re: Documents and Modifications SyntaxEditor Brainstorming
16 years ago Re: Documents and Modifications SyntaxEditor Brainstorming