New licensed version 3.0.102

Wizard for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 20 years ago by frabu
I had some bug with the rendering (I set page background color and other header page image). The exe is OK but when I reopen the VStudio 2003, the setting of the renderer are lost. So I would like to get the latest version (3.0.102).
I currently have a 3.0.100 purchased by my manager (who is out of office).
The later forward me all the license information before leaving.


Comments (7)

Posted 20 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Although it is good to get the latest maintenance release because it fixed another bug, that rendering issue still exists. It's complicated but the reason for it is that we found a bug in VS.NET where if you use PropertyDescriptor.SetValue in the design-time code to set a value like a BackgroundFill on a class like a WizardRenderer (which doesn't inherit from Component) and is a sub-object of another Control, the VS.NET designer doesn't always recognize that a change has been made so that it can mark the modified flag on the parent form.

Therefore since the modified flag isn't set on the parent form, it never serializes your changes. We have documentation on this known issue in our Wizard help file under the Known Issues topic. Check that out. It provides a workaround. Essentially if you change a renderer property, make sure you look at the Form's tab in VS.NET to see if the modified flag (*) appears next to the name. If not, just change a property on the Form and change it back. That will cause the modified flag to be set and everything should serialize ok after that.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 20 years ago by frabu
Here is what I do:

Open Property of the component Wizard then modify the property:
Renderer/WizardInteriorPageDefaultBackgroundFill = (SolidColorBackgroundFill) / Color=White
The tab of my form "CheckOutWizard.cs[desing]*" is marked with *
I save the form and close the tab
I reopen the file CheckOutWizard.cs from the Solution Explorer and...
The white color is no longer there ... only the defaut color.

Same thing if I use InteriorPageHeaderBackgroundFill set to an image.
I have 6 pages and each one have its own image... Everything is lost even though the * is in the title of the Form tab.

So I can compile and generate a correct .exe as far as I do not close the form containing the wizard component.

Posted 20 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Frank,

I just tried loading Wizard 3.0.0102 on my machine and went into the designer for our sample wizard. I changed the ExteriorPageBackgroundFill (making sure a modified asterisk appeared on the form) and also changed an interior page's InteriorPageHeaderBackgroundFill property. Then I saved the form, closed it and ran the application. Both background fills saved and looked as they did when I designed them.

Did you say you weren't able to get into Customer Relations to get the latest build? If you need the account login information, please email me the license information that your purchaser gave you and I'll get you set up to access it.

Even with the original 3.0.0100 build, all this should work as I described above.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 20 years ago by frabu
I redid what you explained that is

>I changed the ExteriorPageBackgroundFill (making sure a modified asterisk appeared on the form)
Set (from the renderer property of the Wizard component - not from the wizard page- right?) the WizardExterieurPageDefaultBackGroundFill to "White"

>and also changed an interior page's InteriorPageHeaderBackgroundFill property.
Set (from the renderer property) the WizardInteriorPageDefaultBackGroundFill to "White"

>Then I saved the form, closed it
close (after checking the *) and reopen teh form. Colors lost and reset to "Control"

I did the same operation from your sample wizard.
Indeed it works !

Bad luck for me.

Posted 20 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Can you tell me your how your Wizard is setup... like do you use the Wizard control or the WizardDialogForm?

Actipro Software Support

Posted 20 years ago by frabu
>like do you use the Wizard control or the WizardDialogForm?
I use a Wizard control in a System.Windows.Forms.Form

Posted 20 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
I was wondering if it made a difference since our sample is a WizardDialogForm implementation, not a Wizard on a Form. So I just did a test and made a new Form, dropped a Wizard control on it, and changed some of the properties on the Wizard.Renderer. They serialized, I closed the Form, reopened it and they were there as they should be. I'm not sure what is causing your app not to serialize them. Does anyone else have this problem?

The workaround if you still can't get it working is to set the backgrounds via code. You can create and assign any BackgroundFill via code. They all are in the ActiproSoftware.Drawing namespace. That's why they are so powerful and easy to use.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 3 days ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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