Hi Actipro Team,
Previously we were using DateTimePicker and currently we have upgraded to DateTimeEditBox. In DateTimePicker, we had two properties TodayButtonVisible and ClearButtonVisible to show/hide Today and Clear button respectively.
Do we have something like that in DateTimeEditBox too?
I read in a post here that it can be achieved by applying Styles but it didn't provide any insight into how it can be done. It would be helpful if you can post a sample code for getting Today and Clear buttons.
Thanks in advance,
Previously we were using DateTimePicker and currently we have upgraded to DateTimeEditBox. In DateTimePicker, we had two properties TodayButtonVisible and ClearButtonVisible to show/hide Today and Clear button respectively.
Do we have something like that in DateTimeEditBox too?
I read in a post here that it can be achieved by applying Styles but it didn't provide any insight into how it can be done. It would be helpful if you can post a sample code for getting Today and Clear buttons.
Thanks in advance,