Hi Actipro team,
We are currently in the process of making our WPF application readable by JAWS screen reader. We used JAWS on the Actipro DateTimeEditBox in the demo link http://www.actiprosoftware.com/products/dotnet/wpf/WPFStudio/LiveDemo/publish.htm to test the behavior. On setting focus to DateTimeEditBox, JAWS correctly reads out the first part i.e day part correctly. And then on navigation, it reads out the corresponding part correctly. However, when we tested DateTimeEditBox in a WPF application, its behavior is different. On getting focus JAWS reads out all the parts i.e day, month , year and time parts twice and finally reads out the day part.
We want the day part alone to be read on getting initial focus and then on navigation other parts should be read out(same behavior as in demo site).
Please let us know how it can be accomplished.Thanks,
We are currently in the process of making our WPF application readable by JAWS screen reader. We used JAWS on the Actipro DateTimeEditBox in the demo link http://www.actiprosoftware.com/products/dotnet/wpf/WPFStudio/LiveDemo/publish.htm to test the behavior. On setting focus to DateTimeEditBox, JAWS correctly reads out the first part i.e day part correctly. And then on navigation, it reads out the corresponding part correctly. However, when we tested DateTimeEditBox in a WPF application, its behavior is different. On getting focus JAWS reads out all the parts i.e day, month , year and time parts twice and finally reads out the day part.
We want the day part alone to be read on getting initial focus and then on navigation other parts should be read out(same behavior as in demo site).
Please let us know how it can be accomplished.
<ColumnDefinition Width="100"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="20"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="100"/>
<RowDefinition Height="50"/>
<RowDefinition Height="10"/>
<RowDefinition Height="50"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Content="Textblock" Target="{Binding ElementName=textbox}"/>
<TextBox Width="50" Grid.Column="2" Grid.Row="0" x:Name="textbox"/>
<Label Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" Content="Actipro" Target="{Binding ElementName=ActiproPicker}"/>
<editors:DateTimeEditBox Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="2" Width="100" CheckBoxVisibility="Hidden" Name="ActiproPicker"/>