we're using the Actipro editors with the Property Grid and I'm trying to set up the display of errors usign tooltips for editors such as the DoublePropertyEditor. Now I can set a style on a textbox like soand this works fine for textboxes but does not display the tooltip for the DoublePropertyEditor. If I change the above target type to point to the DoublePropertyEditor then it throws an error stating that tooltip is not a property of the editor.
Is there a general way to apply the above error styling to all Actipro editors used in the property grid?
Rick Edwards
we're using the Actipro editors with the Property Grid and I'm trying to set up the display of errors usign tooltips for editors such as the DoublePropertyEditor. Now I can set a style on a textbox like so
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">
<Setter Property="Validation.ErrorTemplate">
<Border BorderBrush="Red" BorderThickness="1">
<AdornedElementPlaceholder />
<Trigger Property="Validation.HasError" Value="true">
<Setter Property="ToolTip" Value="{Binding RelativeSource={x:Static RelativeSource.Self}, Path=(Validation.Errors).CurrentItem, Converter={StaticResource ErrorContentConverter}}"/>
Is there a general way to apply the above error styling to all Actipro editors used in the property grid?
Rick Edwards