BreadCrum Navigation

Navigation for WPF Forum

Posted 14 years ago by Doraiswamy
Version: 10.2.0530
Hi all,

I have treeview and BreadCrumb Control.I want to display the Treeview navigation items in the breadcrumb control.

For ex if the Treeview structure is

- A1.0
- A2.0
- B1.0
- B2.0
- B2.1

when i select B2.1 in the treeview then breadcrumb control must display B/B2.0/B2.1
The child item of treeview can be of any layers.
Kindly let me know to achieve this.Since the examples are of binding data from XML and in quickstart/Filemenu the below treeview is not shown when we run the sample browser and only the BreadCrumb displays the drives and directory.

It's urgent please let me know.


Comments (1)

Posted 14 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

We don't currently have any samples beyond those included in our Sample Browser. The Breadcrumb Intro demo shows how you can synchronized a Breadcrumb and TreeView, but as you pointed out it binds to XML data. The same concepts apply when binding to non-XML data though. In fact, the code used to synchronized the Breadcrumb and TreeView would be identical, regardless of the data source.

We've updated the Breadcrumb File System QuickStart to include a synchronized TreeView for the next release. If you send a request to our support address, we can send the appropriate files though.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.4) was released 1 month ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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