Bread Crumb Control - reg

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Posted 14 years ago by Shanmuga Priya
Version: 10.2.0533
I have an ObservableCollection<> with some parent-child items. How to bind this in BreadCrumb control using MVVM ? I tried to some extent. But it results in showing the "First child of the selected item in treeview". Please help me by providing a small example using MVVM pattern.

I saw your "MyComputer" example. There you are using BreadCrumb and treeview in the same page. And you are having same itemsource for both controls. And so you put, Breadcrumb.SelectedItem=treeview.SelectedItem.

But in my condition, I am using it as separate usercontrols and implemented in a separate page.

Note :
For the first time, I am having only the parent items with me. While selecting any item in treeview, I will get its children.

Please help me in this regard.

Comments (1)

Posted 14 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

We don't currently have a sample that shows how to synchronize a Breadcrumb and a TreeView using MVVM, but the overall concept should be similar. In your UserControls you would need to ensure the selection is keep in sync with the view-model (for both the Breadcrumb and the TreeView). This applies even if the Breadcrumb and TreeView are in separate UserControls.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 1 month ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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