Hi, we have DocumentWindows in a TabbedMdiHost container. When adding a DocumentWindow and then calling Activate() on it, the workspace appears to become active but the window is not activated or selected. The last Actipro event I see is PrimaryWindowChanged, but I also expected ActivateWindow followed by LastActiveDocumentChanged. In the PrimaryWindowChanged event I noticed the DockSite.ActiveWindow was set to null and the TabbedMdiHost.PrimaryWindow was set to the window that should have been Activated. It's a long shot but I haven't got anything else to go on anymore and I'm quite stuck, so, please: any clues as to why the call to Activate() failed silently for the DocumentWindow?
PS: our Actipro release is 11.1.0545.
PS: our Actipro release is 11.1.0545.