Sample for PrismIntegration consists of ImplicitTemplate file that shows the DataTemplate for the views that needs to be docked .
Code for ImplicitTemplate dictionary.
<ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"xmlns:sampleViewModels="clr-namespace:ActiproSoftware.Windows.PrismIntegration.ViewModels"xmlns:sampleViews="clr-namespace:ActiproSoftware.Windows.PrismIntegration.Views"><!-- Documents -->
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type sampleViewModels:SolutionExplorerToolItemViewModel}">
<sampleViews:SolutionExplorerToolItemView />
Question 1: ViewModel class(SolutionExplorerToolItemViewModel) that is used above is the data binding class for the view(SolutionExplorerToolItemView) or the class for handle the docking concept for the view(SolutionExplorerToolItemView) ?
Question2:Suppose sample application is registering the view with in the region and that view can be docked or float with in the application which is implememnted with the help of PrismIntegartion with docking.Then how to handle the data binding of the contols used inside the view ?