Posted 20 years ago by Maurizio Margiotta - Lead Programmer, Evolution City Group S.a.s.

I have a strange problem:
sometime, the keybord stop to work correctly. I can only write alphanumerical characters, but nothing else work right:
I can't move the caret, I can't delete anything, I can't select text (only by mouse), I can't break line by Enter Key.
I'm using Syntax Editor with HTML code, but without any sort of automation yet (contex menu, intellisens, etc.)
My application is multidocument and when one document stop to work, all other documents work fine (and all other Windows application too).
I have to close the broken document and open it again.

This is very tedious problem and I hope that you can resolve it as soon as possible.
Unlike I can't reproduce the bug. It's seems to be unpredictable.

Thank you.

Comments (1)

Posted 20 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
All those keys (which fire commands) are handled by us overriding ProcessCmdKey. ProcessCmdKey should be getting called in order for you to get any sort of key input because it's part of the .NET framework.

Are you perhaps using any other third party components that may be intercepting key messages?

As a side note, in the 3.0 version that we're working on, we reimplemented the key typing model from scratch that gets the keys differently and allows you to cancel key input and/or dynamically alter which commands fire for keys.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 1 month ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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