The latest build of this product (v2.0.0208) was released 19 years ago, which was before this thread was created.
Posted 19 years ago by mike wall
I need to have the tool window be created at a certain size...
I have the following code but runtime yeilds : " Read Only" for displayRectangle

Form f = new CallerInfo(this);
f.Visible = true;
f.TopLevel = false;
f.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

ToolWindow firstToolWindow = new ToolWindow(dockManager1, "test", "test", null, f);

firstToolWindow.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(0,0,500,500);


Comments (1)

Posted 19 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
There is a DWToolWindow.DockTo overload that accepts a preferred size parameter. Use that method.

DisplayRectangle is a property that Microsoft has on every Control but it is read-only.

Actipro Software Support