In This Article

CodeSnippetProvider Class

Implements a code snippet provider that can manage the available code snippets and handle requests for display of IntelliPrompt code snippet sessions.

public class CodeSnippetProvider : ICodeSnippetProvider, IOrderable, IKeyedObject, IEditorViewKeyInputEventSink, ITextViewLifecycleEventSink, ITextViewTaggerProvider
object object
CSharpCodeSnippetProvider VBCodeSnippetProvider
ICodeSnippetProvider IOrderable IKeyedObject IEditorViewKeyInputEventSink ITextViewLifecycleEventSink ITextViewTaggerProvider


Instances of this object can be registered with an ISyntaxLanguage using the RegisterService(object, object) method. Once an instance is registered with the language as a service, its features can be used by the language.



Initializes a new instance of the CodeSnippetProvider class.

public CodeSnippetProvider()


Initializes a new instance of the CodeSnippetProvider class.

public CodeSnippetProvider(string key)
Parameter Type Description
key string

The string-based key that identifies the provider.

CodeSnippetProvider(string, params Ordering[])

Initializes a new instance of the CodeSnippetProvider class.

public CodeSnippetProvider(string key, params Ordering[] orderings)
Parameter Type Description
key string

The string-based key that identifies the provider.

orderings Ordering[]

The array of Ordering objects, used to determine how this object is positioned relative to other objects.



Gets or sets whether code snippet shortcut matching requires a case-sensitive match.

public bool IsCaseSensitive { get; set; }

Property Value


true if code snippet shortcut matching requires a case-sensitive match; otherwise, false. The default value is true.


Gets the string-based key that identifies the provider.

public string Key { get; }

Property Value


The string-based key that identifies the provider.


Gets the collection of Ordering objects, used to determine how this object is positioned relative to other objects.

public IEnumerable<Ordering> Orderings { get; }

Property Value


The collection of Ordering objects, used to determine how this object is positioned relative to other objects.


Gets or sets the root ICodeSnippetFolder containing code snippets that are accessible by this provider.

public ICodeSnippetFolder RootFolder { get; set; }

Property Value


The root ICodeSnippetFolder containing code snippets that are accessible by this provider.



Checks for a code snippet shortcut before the caret and opens a template session if one was found.

protected bool CheckForShortcut(IEditorView view)
Parameter Type Description
view IEditorView

The IEditorView to examine.



true if a template session was opened; otherwise, false.

CreateSelectionSession(ICodeSnippetFolder, CodeSnippetTypes)

protected virtual ICodeSnippetSelectionSession CreateSelectionSession(ICodeSnippetFolder rootFolder, CodeSnippetTypes snippetType)
Parameter Type Description
rootFolder ICodeSnippetFolder

The root ICodeSnippetFolder to display.

snippetType CodeSnippetTypes

A CodeSnippetTypes indicating the type of code snippets to include.



The ICodeSnippetSelectionSession that was created.


Returns a possible code snippet shortcut TextSnapshotRange, located immediately before the specified TextSnapshotOffset.

protected virtual TextSnapshotRange GetPossibleShortcutSnapshotRange(TextSnapshotOffset snapshotOffset)
Parameter Type Description
snapshotOffset TextSnapshotOffset

The TextSnapshotOffset to examine.



The TextSnapshotRange of the possible shortcut; or TextSnapshotRange.Deleted if there is no possible shortcut.


Language implementations may wish to inherit this class and override this method to ensure the shortcut is not within a comment or other literal.

OnViewKeyDown(IEditorView, KeyEventArgs)

Occurs when a key is pressed down while focus is in the specified IEditorView.

protected virtual void OnViewKeyDown(IEditorView view, KeyEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
view IEditorView

The IEditorView that received the event.

e KeyEventArgs

The KeyEventArgs that contains the event data.

OnViewKeyUp(IEditorView, KeyEventArgs)

Occurs when a key is released while focus is in the specified IEditorView.

protected virtual void OnViewKeyUp(IEditorView view, KeyEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
view IEditorView

The IEditorView that received the event.

e KeyEventArgs

The KeyEventArgs that contains the event data.

RequestSelectionSession(IEditorView, CodeSnippetTypes)

Requests that an ICodeSnippetSelectionSession be opened for the specified IEditorView.

public bool RequestSelectionSession(IEditorView view, CodeSnippetTypes snippetType)
Parameter Type Description
view IEditorView

The IEditorView that will host the session.

snippetType CodeSnippetTypes

A CodeSnippetTypes indicating the type of code snippets to include.



true if a session was opened; otherwise, false.

RequestTemplateSession(IEditorView, ICodeSnippet)

Requests that an ICodeSnippetTemplateSession be opened for the specified IEditorView.

public bool RequestTemplateSession(IEditorView view, ICodeSnippet codeSnippet)
Parameter Type Description
view IEditorView

The IEditorView that will host the session.

codeSnippet ICodeSnippet

The ICodeSnippet template to use.



true if a session was opened; otherwise, false.

Inherited Members