In This Article

Progress Bar

The Breadcrumb control contains an embedded AnimatedProgressBar control, which can be used to show the progress of long running operations.


Check out the AnimatedProgressBar control topic for more information on its features.




The Breadcrumb control using the Aero theme with the progress bar in the three possible states, Normal, Paused, and Error

Showing the Progress Bar

By default, the progress bar is hidden and must be explicitly shown by setting IsProgressBarVisible to true. Also, the progress bar is only visible when the Breadcrumb control is not in edit-mode (when IsEditing is false).


Changes to IsProgressBarVisible are animated, so the progress bar will fade in when this property is set to true and fade out when set to false.



The Breadcrumb control using the Aero theme with the bottom control in edit mode

The progress bar spans the entire height and width of the Breadcrumb control, including the area reserved for the action buttons. Therefore, if an action button does not have a transparent background, then it will hide a portion of the progress bar. The Breadcrumb uses PopupButton controls internally, and it is recommended that the PopupButton control (with its transparency mode enabled) be used for custom action buttons as well.

This sample code shows how to create a PopupButton which can be used as an action button:

<shared:PopupButton Content="New PopupButton"
                    IsTransparencyModeEnabled="true" />

Associated Members

The following Breadcrumb members are associated with the embedded progress bar:

Member Description
IsProgressBarVisible Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether the embedded progress bar is visible. The default value is false.
ProgressBarDecreaseDuration Property Gets or sets the Duration of the decrease animation of the embedded progress bar. The default value is 500 milliseconds.
ProgressBarIncreaseDuration Property Gets or sets the Duration of the increase animation of the embedded progress bar. The default value is 500 milliseconds.
ProgressBarIsAnimationEnabled Property Gets or sets value indicating whether the embedded progress bar should animate ProgressBarValue changes. The default value is true.
ProgressBarIsIndeterminate Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether the embedded progress bar shows actual values or generic, continuous progress feedback. The default value is false.
ProgressBarMaximum Property Gets or sets the highest possible ProgressBarValue of the embedded progress bar. The default value is 1.0.
ProgressBarMinimum Property Gets or sets the lowest possible ProgressBarValue of the embedded progress bar. The default value is 0.0.
ProgressBarState Property Gets or sets the state of the embedded progress bar. The default value is Normal.
ProgressBarValue Property Gets or sets the current value of the embedded progress bar. The default value is 0.0.