Mike Strobel

User Profile (#30083)


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Posts and Comments

Posted Subject Location
15 years ago Re: Some questions regarding Ribbon window Ribbon for WPF
15 years ago Re: Composite WPF Region Adapter Docking/MDI for WPF
15 years ago Bugs in v9.1.0501 Editors for WPF
15 years ago Re: Select all text in a parts editor Editors for WPF
15 years ago Re: Select all text in a parts editor Editors for WPF
15 years ago Re: Select all text in a parts editor Editors for WPF
15 years ago Re: Select all text in a parts editor Editors for WPF
15 years ago Re: Composite WPF Region Adapter Docking/MDI for WPF
15 years ago Re: Error with controls in designer view Editors for WPF
15 years ago Usability of DateTimeEditBox w/ Constraints Editors for WPF
15 years ago Highlighting Oddity Editors for WPF
15 years ago Re: Part Transitions & Caret Size Editors for WPF
15 years ago Re: Composite WPF Region Adapter Docking/MDI for WPF
15 years ago Re: Caret Position on Focus Editors for WPF
15 years ago Caret Position on Focus Editors for WPF
15 years ago Re: ITextSnapshot Text and LineTerminator SyntaxEditor Brainstorming
15 years ago ITextSnapshot Text and LineTerminator SyntaxEditor Brainstorming
15 years ago Re: Flow between completion list tab groups SyntaxEditor Brainstorming
15 years ago Re: IntelliPrompt Member List Tab Groups SyntaxEditor Brainstorming
16 years ago Re: RibbonWindow Title Bar and the Mouse Cursor Ribbon for WPF