Can i hide the dockguide opened for the toolwindow when i dock the other toolwindow inside the first toolwindow.
ForExample :I have four usercontrols and these are registered as the toolwindows inside the docksite acts as the region with the help of the PrismIntegration with doccking .
Code for above is :
<docking:DockSitex:Name="MainRegion" AllowDrop="True" CanDocumentWindowsRaft="False" cal:RegionManager.RegionName="MainRegion">
I can dock the any of the toolwindoiw inside any of the toolwindows and similarly four dockguides are opened for the individual toolwindows.
I want to dynamically hide the dockguide for the particular toolwindow(Usercontrol) and these usercontrols should be registered as the toolwindows with the help of the PrismIntegration with docking .