AutoHide not working with PrismIntegration with docking .

Docking/MDI for WPF Forum

Posted 13 years ago by keshav bansal
Version: 11.2.0554


I am unaable to show the auto hidded docking window that is registered with the docksite.

Problem is

Suppose i have three docksites(docksite1,docksite2,docksite3) alligned horizontally to each other and three toolwindow respectively to each docksite(toolwindow1,toolwindow2,toolwindow3).




<ColumnDefination Width="Auto"/>

<ColumnDefination Width="Auto"/>

<ColumnDefination Width="Auto"/>



Each docksite acts as the region and registered with each of the column of the grid.

So after running the PrismIntegrationDocking application ,each docksite is displaying the respective toolwindows (toolwindow1,toolwindow2,toolwindow3)

Each toolwindow has the CanAutoHide property to True and whn i click on the pin of the toolwindow1 then it shows the tab for the auto hided toolwindow and region associated wuth that tool window also collapses.

So when i MouseHover that collapsed toolwindow then its not displaying the collapsed toolwindow because of the size of the corresponding docksite also collapse.

So what can be the solution for the above problem:

Means As i autohide the toolwindow it should collapse the toolwindow and on hovering the mouse over the tab it should display in the same region of the associated docksite.Means On hovering the mouse over the autohide tab of the toolwindow,docksite region width should be set to the width of teh toolwindow.

Comments (1)

Posted 13 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Keshav,

You've asked this question before. Please do not post the same question multiple times. If you need clarification or have additional questions about a given question then please post a follow up comment on the original thread since it becomes very difficult to track conversations when they are spread out over multiple threads.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.4) was released 2 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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