Posted 13 years ago
by keshav bansal
I am using the Actipro tool for Docking requirement in our project and facing little bit problem.
1. Docksite consists of three toolwindows and i want to block the docking for the toolwindow in the another toolwindow with in the same docksite and allow docking in another third tool window.
For Example: My Docksite consists two tool windows(toolwindow1 and toolwindow2,toolwindow3) and i can easily dock the toolwindow1 in the toolwindow2 and toolwindow3 vice versa also.I want to block the docking for the toolwindow1 in the toolwindow2 and allow docking in the tool window3.
Using the Code :-
<Window x:Class="DockingApplication.MainWindow"
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
<docking:SplitContainer Orientation="Vertical">
<docking:DockSite x:Name="dockSite" CanDocumentWindowsRaft="True" CanToolWindowsAttach="False">
<docking:SplitContainer Orientation="Vertical" >
<docking:ToolWindowContainer >
<Common:AblationView x:Name="win1" Title="AblationView" />
<docking:ToolWindowContainer >
<Common:VitalsView x:Name="win2" Title="VitalsView" />
<docking:Workspace Height="Auto">
<Button Height="30" Width="100" Name="vbutoton" Background="Red">Waveform View</Button>
<docking:ToolWindowContainer Height="Auto" >
<Common:StatusView x:Name="win3" Drop="win3_Drop" CanAttach="False" Title="StatusView" />
I am using the Actipro tool for Docking requirement in our project and facing little bit problem.
1. Docksite consists of three toolwindows and i want to block the docking for the toolwindow in the another toolwindow with in the same docksite and allow docking in another third tool window.
For Example: My Docksite consists two tool windows(toolwindow1 and toolwindow2,toolwindow3) and i can easily dock the toolwindow1 in the toolwindow2 and toolwindow3 vice versa also.I want to block the docking for the toolwindow1 in the toolwindow2 and allow docking in the tool window3.
Using the Code :-
<Window x:Class="DockingApplication.MainWindow"
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
<docking:SplitContainer Orientation="Vertical">
<docking:DockSite x:Name="dockSite" CanDocumentWindowsRaft="True" CanToolWindowsAttach="False">
<docking:SplitContainer Orientation="Vertical" >
<docking:ToolWindowContainer >
<Common:AblationView x:Name="win1" Title="AblationView" />
<docking:ToolWindowContainer >
<Common:VitalsView x:Name="win2" Title="VitalsView" />
<docking:Workspace Height="Auto">
<Button Height="30" Width="100" Name="vbutoton" Background="Red">Waveform View</Button>
<docking:ToolWindowContainer Height="Auto" >
<Common:StatusView x:Name="win3" Drop="win3_Drop" CanAttach="False" Title="StatusView" />