Avalonia Controls v23.1.3 Maintenance Release

Announcements Forum

Posted 8 months ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

A new Avalonia UI Controls maintenance release is now available.

Detailed Update List


  • Added new Avatar and AvatarGroup controls that render images, glyphs, initials, or text to represent people.
  • Added new Badge and NumericBadge controls that add contextual information to other controls.
  • Added the RingSpinner control that can inform an end user that some form of processing is occurring.
  • Fixed UserPromptBuilder auto-size to owner when displayed on screens with high DPI.


  • Improved native themes for the ListBox, TreeView, and DataGrid templates to better support rounded corners when CornerRadius is set.

Shared Library

  • Added the RingSlice shape that can render a portion (or the entire circle) of a ring shape.

[Modified 8 months ago]

Actipro Software Support