Code Writer v1.3 Released

by Avatar Bill Henning (Actipro) - 4 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 6:08am


Today we published v1.3 of Code Writer, our free text/code editor app, to the Windows Store.

Code Writer was first released last week but has already gained a tremendous following and is rapidly climbing up the daily rank charts.  Yesterday we hit #23 in the "Productivity, Free" category!  Please continue to help it grow in popularity by spreading the word to your colleagues.

We've been watching the posts in our forums and in the Store reviews and have delivered on the top requests.  This is a very exciting release so let's take a peek at what's new.

Major New Features

File Associations

File associations have been added to all the built-in file types.  This allows Code Writer to be registered as a possible default application for the various supported file types when you open files in the Windows desktop or other apps.

We've also added some very nice looking icons for the file types when you choose to register them with Code Writer as the default application.

Custom File Extensions

A new detail flyout for each file type has been added that lists all the pre-defined file extensions.  It also provides the ability to add custom file extensions for the file type.


In the screenshot above, we've added ".log" as a new custom file extension for text files.  This lets the Browse picker open .log files.

Select Multiple Documents in the Browse Picker

Speaking of the Browse picker, now you can select multiple files to open.


Navigate to a folder, hit the Select All button and open every file in the folder.

Document Properties Pane

A new Document Properties pane has been added that shows a larger view of the filename and path.


It contains a drop-down that allows you to change the file type associated with the current document only, which normally defaults to a file type based on the file's extension.

The pane also displays some helpful statistics like total line, character, and word counts.

Go To Pane

The Go To pane allows you to enter a line number and jump directly to it in the editor.


New Settings Options

Code Writer has a large Settings area where you can customize things to your liking.


New in this version is the option to change font family, with built-in font preview.


This new version adds some very nice enhancements to the app.  If you like what you see, please click the button below to go download it and write some code on your devices.

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Tags: apps, code-writer

Code Writer for Windows

Code Writer is a free text and code editor app with over 20 supported file types.

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Code Writer is a free text and code editor app with over 20 supported file types, and active syntax highlighting that updates as you edit documents.

Use it as a replacement for Notepad and other quick edit apps.

Learn More Download Now

Comments (4)

Posted 12 years ago by lucas Wittwer
would love to see automatic tabbing in code for languages like java.
Posted 12 years ago by Bill Henning (Actipro) - Actipro Software LLC
Hi Lucas, Do you mean auto-indent of the caret when you press Enter after a {, etc.?
Posted 12 years ago by lucas Wittwer
Yes exactly. NotepadRT includes this functionality but lacks the rest of the features code writer has
Posted 12 years ago by Bill Henning (Actipro) - Actipro Software LLC
Our SyntaxEditor control supports indent providers for languages. We need to port some implementations of that over to WinRT and Code Writer. I'll log your suggestion on our TODO list. Thanks!

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