Last year, we created a sample for showing how a hosted Windows Workflow Designer instance could be integrated with Actipro WPF controls within a custom WPF application to provide a very elegant interface for end users.
We have continued enhancing it and here's what it currently looks like:
Our Docking/MDI product is used to provide the tool window and multiple document interface. Our SyntaxEditor code editor control, in single line edit mode, is injected as a custom expression editor. When you combine SyntaxEditor with our .NET Languages Add-on, you are able to have it support powerful IntelliPrompt completion lists. For instance, in the screenshot above, you can see the itemCount variable is showing up in the completion list since it was declared below.
In recent updates, we've:
- Updated App.OnStartup code to theme native WPF controls using Actipro themes.
- Added a Menu above the designer with options for closing the window, and toggling the tool window visibility.
- Added a custom completion ListBox implementation to work around issue where ListBoxItem would steal focus on click and Workflow Designer thought that it then had to close the expression editor.
When you put it all together, it's very easy to integrate Actipro WPF controls with rehosted Windows Workflow Designer instances in your applications. It only takes a few minutes to get up and running, and once you do, the result is well worth the time.
If you rehost the Windows Workflow Designer in your WPF apps and would like our example, please contact us and we'll be happy to share it with you!
For those customers who downloaded either of the prior versions, this update is at the same URL as before.