UWP Controls 2020.1 Released

by Avatar Bill Henning (Actipro)
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 3:40pm

We are pleased to announce the release of the 2020.1 version of our UWP Controls.  

This announcement post contains the detailed list of updates in the 2020.1 version.  Please be aware that Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (version 1709) or later and usage of the Microsoft's free 'Win2D.uwp' NuGet package are required.

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While the version includes a wide number of small updates and bug fixes, let’s take a look at a handful of the larger updates.  



AutoCompleteBox now has a SelectedItemChanged event and an InputMode property, that alters input behavior.  Search mode is the default and is intended for usage when the control is providing search-like functionality, commonly seen in application title bars.  ComboBox mode is an alternate mode intended for use when the control should be used in more traditional ComboBox-like scenarios.  When in ComboBox mode, the popup list filter turns off when not typing in the control, allowing the entire list to be browsed when interacting with the control purely via the popup.

Swatch-Only Display

BrushEditBox and ColorEditBox now have a HasText property that allows you to hide the text portion of the edit box for a swatch-only display.

Dates and Times

DateEditBox and TimeEditBox now accept delimiter-less input for several additional custom formats.

Large Incremental Changes

Numeric edit boxes now support large incremental changes when holding Shift while pressing Up/Down or rotating the mouse wheel.

Custom Format Strings

Several numeric edit boxes now support custom format strings with semi-colon conditional format specifiers.


We've added a PropertyGrid.RequestRefresh method that can be called to tell the PropertyGrid to refresh its contents.


Search Overlay Pane

A new background renders the search range when the search overlay pane is in Selection scope mode.

A new property allows you to disable key bindings that would activate the search overlay pane, which is useful if you have an external search UI.

Logic related the selection scope searching has been improved.

Ctrl+Enter can be pressed to execute a Find All search operation when the Find textbox has focus and the find all button is visible.


New methods allow completion list items to be added much faster, dramatically improving performance.

Color Picker Comparison Values

by Avatar Bill Henning (Actipro)
Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at 2:27pm

When picking colors, it’s very beneficial for an end user to compare the initial (previously-selected) color with the currently-selected color.  This new Editors feature was added to the WPF and UWP color pickers in yesterday’s maintenance release.

Let’s see how this works with a ColorEditBox instance, our rich editor for color selection.  Please excuse the GIF image dithering.  The actual control has vibrant gradients.

The ColorEditBox drop-down picker showing value comparison

The hue slider's inner circular area on the drop-down color picker shows the initial color value when the drop-down is opened.  As the end user alters the selected color, the right half of the circle updates to show the newly-selected color, while the left half of the circle continues showing the initial color value.  This allows the old and new values to be compared side-by-side.

The features described above are available in the Editors for WPF and Editors for UWP products.

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March WPF, UWP, and Silverlight v2017.2 Maintenance Releases

by Avatar Bill Henning (Actipro)
Sunday, April 22, 2018 at 6:18am


Our v2017.2 WPF, Universal Windows, and Silverlight controls have all been updated with new maintenance releases that are now ready for download. 

Let's take a quick look at some of the more notable features that were added.


Bar Customization

The series style selector's method for picking each bar's style in a bar chart has been updated to be passed bar index and count, allowing for individual bars to be customized.


UIA Updates for Better Coded UI Test Support

The docking window container UIA hierarchy has been updated to better support Coded UI Test.  These changes should now allow Coded UI Tests for controls in docking windows to record and play back successfully.

Keeping Auto-Hide Popups Open For Dialogs

There is now a property that can be set temporarily to prevent an auto-hide popup from closing when WPF keyboard focus is lost from it, which can happen if a dialog window is opened from a button on the docking window.  In this scenario in the past, the button could be clicked and the auto-hide popup might slide back.  The new option allows the popup to remain open when the dialog is open.

Improved Dragging Over Nested Linked Dock Sites

Updated docking window logic now shows dock guides by default for linked dock sites at the same nesting level, when there are multiple dock sites nested.  If there are multiple linked dock sites covering the same drag location, the Shift key can be held to switch dock guides to an alternate dock site.


MaskedTextBox Input Improvements

Logic has been updated to block some input that would trigger a shorter match.

NaN and Infinity Support Added to Multiple Edit Boxes

The CornerRadiusEditBox, PointEditBox, RectEditBox, SizeEditBox, ThicknessEditBox, and VectorEditBox controls now all have properties that can be set to allow NaN and infinity component values.


Improved Digital Gauge Segment Rendering


The distance between digital gauge segments for the 7-segment (normal) and 14-segment (normal) character sets has been reduced, making the digital gauges easier to read at certain sizes, and more like most real readouts.


Free Sample C#/VB Syntax Language Updates

The free language definition files now support C# 6 and VB 14 enhancements.

XML Start Tag Self-Closing

The XML auto-completion logic in the Web Languages Add-on will self-close start tags if a '/' is typed.


There were also a large number of smaller improvements made throughout the products.  See the announcement posts for the detailed list of enhancements and updates:

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WPF, UWP, and Silverlight v2017.2 Maintenance Releases

by Avatar Bill Henning (Actipro) - 1 comment
Wednesday, November 1, 2017 at 12:17pm


Our v2017.2 WPF, Universal Windows, and Silverlight controls have all been updated with new maintenance releases that are now ready for download.  It is highly recommended that you get these new builds since many products received numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes. 

Let's take a quick look at some of the more notable features that were added.


The mouse wheel can now scroll document tabs when in an overflow situation and using certain tab overflow behaviors.


Updated the color pickers such that the end user can tap and drag anywhere in a hue ring or saturation/brightness square to change color attributes, and not just on the thumb.


Added a new drop-down to ColorPicker that allows switching between RGB and HSB text input modes.


Added new features for adding custom inline UI elements within edit boxes, like the "Now" button in the TimeEditBox below.


Improved the DateEditBox and TimeEditBox default formats to better support parsing of entered text values that lack part delimiters.


Added the TreeListViewColumn.SortDirection property and related ColumnSortDirection enumeration that can be used to indicate that a sort glyph should appear in the column header when paired with a custom sorting mechanism.


Improved TreeListBox to better handle property updates from view-models on other threads.

Improved TreeListBox selection tracking performance.


Improved numerous edit actions to retain their final selection after the action goes through an undo/redo process.

Improved how Tab indenting is handled when there is a block selection.

Improved the Cut Line to Clipboard edit action to support multiple lines.

Improved the .NET Languages Add-on's logic for selecting the best IntelliPrompt parameter info member overload when typing a comma at the end of an argument list.


Improved the XML line commenter in the Web Languages Add-on to comment the entire line text when there is no selection.


There were also a large number of smaller improvements made throughout the products.  See the announcement posts for the detailed list of enhancements and updates:

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WPF, UWP, and Silverlight Controls 2017.2 Released

by Avatar Bill Henning (Actipro)
Monday, August 28, 2017 at 5:22pm


We're happy to announce that the 2017.2 versions of our WPF, Universal Windows, and Silverlight controls have been released.  These versions include some new controls, new features, and a lot of minor updates and bug fixes.

See all the details on the 2017.2 releases in the various announcement posts:


Intra-Line Adornments

Full support for intra-line adornments is now included.  These allow whitespace to be reserved above and/or below view lines, and adornments rendered in that space.


A first new sample shows implementation of a Visual Studio-like Code Lens adornment with info display and hyperlink. 


A second sample shows a Visual Studio-like Peek Definition (embedded editor) display.  This is accomplished using a second SyntaxEditor within an adornment of the outer SyntaxEditor.

Vertical Scrolling

Vertical scrolling logic has been refactored to better handle view lines of various sizes.

Code Outlining

A couple new code outlining commands have been added: apply default outlining expansion and expand all outlining.

.NET Languages Add-on Roslyn Extensions

A new optional assembly is available that has Roslyn extensions for loading IBinaryAssembly instances that can be referenced by a project assembly, instead of using normal .NET reflection.

.NET Languages Add-on IntelliPrompt

IntelliPrompt completion is now available for object creation expression initializer member names.


Docking/MDI (WPF/UWP)

Floating Windows

A new property can be data-bound to your VM to float or restore a docking window.  The default location request event allows for specifying that a docking window should open in a floating dock host.  Docking windows that were closed while floating now support more precise restoration later.  Dragging standalone floating docking windows by their tabs now has a better experience.

Contextual Indicators

The read-only contextual indicator for documents now uses a separate display mechanism from the custom contextual indicators, allowing both to show at the same time.

Editors (WPF/UWP)


A new AutoCompleteBox control has been added that allows text entry and provides suggestions for auto-completion.


This kind of control is ideal for use in search query and quick launch kinds of scenarios.



Clicking a date on the popup calendar now closes the popup.

Grids (WPF/UWP)


The TreeListBox item adapter has been updated with a method that fires when hovering over an item during a drag, allowing you to determine whether it should be expanded.


New adapter methods have also been added that are called immediately before and after a drag, allowing for custom adornments to be displayed while dragging.

Shared Library (WPF/UWP)


A new AdvancedTextBlock control has been added that can show a tooltip when overflowed and can highlight spans of text based on captured text ranges (i.e. filter match results).

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